


Bilateral marine reserve agreements

Lawson and Costello 2025, Theoretical Ecology

Marine protected areas for dive tourism

Cabral et al. 2025, Scientific Reports

Input subsidies and the depletion of natural capital: Chinese distant water fishing

Englander et al. 2025, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management


stagg:: A data pre-processing R package for climate impacts analysis

Liddell et al. 2024, Environmental Modelling and Software

Probabilistic programming for embedding theory and quantifying uncertainty in econometric analysis

Storm, Heckelei, and Baylis 2024, European Review of Agricultural Economics

The effect of NAFTA on Mexico's wage gap

Arends-Kuenning, Baylis, and Garduño-Rivera 2024, The Annals of Regional Science

Towards higher performing fisheries: Options for sustainable and productive fisheries in Indonesia

World Bank and Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries 2024, The World Bank

A market for 30x30 in the ocean

Villasenor-Derbez, Costello, and Plantinga 2024, Science

The shadow cost of mobile public bads

Tsao and Costello 2024, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management

Credit markets, property rights, and the commons

Noack and Costello 2024, Journal of Political Economy