Contact Us

Contact information

Address: 4528 Bren Hall, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5131 (view on GoogleMaps)

For media inquiries: contact Sarah Erickson, emLab Grants and Operations Coordinator
For fundraising and partner opportunities: contact Michaela Clemence, emLab Executive Director

Interested in collaborating? We welcome inquiries about research partnerships that align with our think-and-do approach and fall within our four program areas – Climate & Energy, Land & Freshwater, Ocean & Fisheries, and People & Poverty. Please reach out if you think we would make a good team. 

Interested in becoming part of the emLab team? Check out available opportunities on our Work with Us page. We offer full-time positions as well as opportunities for UCSB undergraduate and graduate students.

Interested in keeping up-to-date with emLab news? Sign up for our monthly newsletter!