Designing freshwater protected areas (FPAs) for indiscriminate fisheries
Ecological Modelling
Reply to Hanich et al.: Alternate explanations for the blue paradox do not withstand statistical scrutiny
McDermott et al. 2018, PNAS
How commercial fishing effort is managed
Anderson et al. 2018, Fish and Fisheries
Spatial renewable resource extraction under possible regime shift
Costello et al. 2018, American Journal of Agricultural Economics
An attainable global vision for conservation and human well‐being
Tallis et al. 2018, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
Leveraging satellite technology to create true shark sanctuaries
Bradley et al. 2018, Conservation Letters
Maximizing the impact of climate finance: Funding projects or pilot projects?
Kotchen et al. 2018, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Evaluating the performance of data-limited methods for setting catch targets through application to data-rich stocks: A case study using Northeast U.S. fish stocks
Wiedenmann et al. 2018, Fisheries Research
Are fishery management upgrades worth the cost?
Mangin et al. 2018, PLOS ONE
Improved fisheries management could offset many negative effects of climate change
Gaines et al. 2018, Science Advances
The blue paradox: Preemptive overfishing in marine reserves
McDermott et al. 2018, PNAS
Land-use regulations, property values, and rents: Decomposing the effects of the California Coastal Act
Severen et al. 2018, Journal of Urban Economics
Does climate change bolster the case for fishery reform in Asia?
Costello 2018, Asian Development Review
Avoiding the ecological limits of forage fish for fed aquaculture
Froehlich et al. 2018, Nature Sustainability
The dangers of disaster-driven responses to climate change
Anderson et al. 2018, Nature Climate Change
A computational approach to managing coupled human–environmental systems: the POSEIDON model of ocean fisheries
Bailey et al. 2018, Sustainability Science
The economics of fishing the high seas
Sala et al. 2018, Science Advances
Rapid and lasting gains from solving illegal fishing
Cabral et al. 2018, Nature Ecology & Evolution
Protecting marine mammals, turtles, and birds by rebuilding global fisheries
Burgess et al. 2018, Science
Adaptive co-management to achieve climate-ready fisheries
Wilson et al. 2018, Conservation Letters