A case for seaweed aquaculture inclusion in U.S. nutrient pollution management
Racine et al. 2021, Marine Policy
Protecting the global ocean for biodiversity, food and climate
Sala et al. 2021, Nature
The long and narrow path for novel cell‐based seafood to reduce fishing pressure for marine ecosystem recovery
Halpern et al. 2021, Fish and Fisheries
Strategic pollution control under free trade
Nkuiya et al. 2021, Resource and Energy Economics
Global evidence for ultraviolet radiation decreasing COVID-19 growth rates
Carleton et al. 2021, PNAS
Satellites can reveal global extent of forced labor in the world’s fishing fleet
McDonald et al. 2020, PNAS
Who is the high seas fishing industry?
Carmine et al. 2020, One Earth
Substantial gaps in the current fisheries data landscape
Blasco et al. 2020, Frontiers in Marine Science
Opportunities for fishery partnerships to advance climate-ready fisheries science and management
Lomonico et al. 2020, Marine Policy
Seasonal liquidity, rural labor markets, and agricultural production
Fink et al. 2020, American Economic Review
Let more big fish sink: Fisheries prevent blue carbon sequestration—half in unprofitable areas
Mariani et al. 2020, Science Advances
A global network of marine protected areas for food
Cabral et al. 2020, PNAS
Beyond protection: Fisheries co-benefits of no-take marine reserves
Wilson et al. 2020, Marine Policy
Ambitious subsidy reform by the WTO presents opportunities for ocean health restoration
Costello et al. 2020, Sustainability Science
Coasean Approaches to Ending Overfishing: Bigeye Tuna Conservation in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
Ovando et al. 2020, National Bureau of Economic Research
The future of food from the sea
Costello et al. 2020, Nature
Status and trends of moored fish aggregating device (MFAD) fisheries in the Caribbean and Bermuda
Wilson et al. 2020, Marine Policy
Measure twice, cut once: Optimal inventory and harvest under volume uncertainty and stochastic price dynamics
Sloggy et al. 2020, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Technology adoption under uncertainty: Take-up and subsequent investment in Zambia
Oliva et al. 2020, The Review of Economics and Statistics
Data-driven approach for highlighting priority areas for protection in marine areas beyond national jurisdiction
Visalli et al. 2020, Marine Policy