


Managing mining of the deep seabed

Wedding et al. 2015, Science

Remaining questions in the case for balanced harvesting

Burgess et al. 2015, Fish and Fisheries

Tropical economics

Hsiang et al. 2015, American Economic Review

Integrating economic land-use and biophysical models

Plantinga 2015, Annual Review of Resource Economics


Consequences of fleet diversification in managed and unmanaged fisheries

Burgess 2014, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

Integrating scientific guidance into marine spatial planning

Rassweiler et al. 2014, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences

Close the high seas to fishing?

White et al. 2014, PLOS Biology

Reflections on the success of traditional fisheries management

Hilborn et al. 2014, ICES Journal of Marine Science