


Fishing activity skyrocketed ahead of ban in South Pacific area

Eurasia Review

Eurasia Review

When conservation backfires

Ed Yong

The Atlantic

A blue paradox

Sonia Fernandez

The UCSB Current

Scarcity amid abundance in the Willamette River Basin

Nathan Gilles

The Climate CIRCulator

Ocean solutions: Reversing overfishing

Christopher Costello

The UCSB Current

Industrial fishing occupies a third of the planet

Sarah Gibbens

National Geographic

New maps show the utterly massive imprint of fishing on the world’s oceans

Chris Mooney and Brady Dennis

Washington Post


Climate change poses major threat to manufacturing, study finds

Alexander C. Kaufman

Huffington Post

Hot and bothered

Andrea Estrada

The Current

Have scientists been overestimating our toll on reef sharks?

David Shiffman

Hakai Magazine